Saturday, February 22, 2014

Exciting News

It's been a couple of weeks, and I am still amazed. I submitted a short story into a contest to be included in an anthology, and my story was selected. This will be my first published work, and I can't believe how excited I am. The story started as an idea I got from a song, but not one I had really written anything on. I got the info for the contest on January 1 and by January 31 I had a completed work, with several edits with my writing group, ready to submit. Granted it was a short story, about 7,500 words, but it showed me that I can get a completed work done. Now to get to work on my longer projects. I have an artist challenge that I am working on with my writing group to break up the monotony of any specific works that I choose to do, but my biggest problem is choosing one.

As you know, I am part of a writing group, so I also work with other writers to give critique and comments on their work. This means that my writing time is divided. I work on my projects, I read and give comments on my friends work, and I do the artist challenge. I don't have much time for writing, so need to spend it wisely. I also have a full time job outside the house, as well as a family to love and care for and a house to keep, with all that goes with it. And I try to post on my blog, more than I have in the past. This means I need to spend more time writing and less time watching TV (which I absolutely love to do). Of course, I spend my time watching TV with my husband, so I would have to give that up (which I don't want to do). I think I am going to have to schedule time to write and just make it part of my day. Maybe I should try getting up early again and writing in the morning. I am not at my best in the morning, though, so it may not work.

With all the things I have during my regular life, I am also in the process of getting our house and yard ready for a wedding. My daughter is getting married in less than 3 months and I have a lot of work to do, so that will take away from my writing time as well. Maybe I will give up sleeping, then I'll have time to do everything. Guess I should figure out my schedule and get to it, which means I need to end this blog post.