Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why do they have to be happy?

It's the time of the year when you hear the words "Happy Holidays" all over.  But why does everyone need to be happy?  Why is it the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year"?

I understand that we all want to celebrate, get together as families, spend time with loved ones.  I just wonder if we have to put the pressure on everyone to be "happy."  What defines happy, anyway?  Is it a joyous feeling in the heart?  Is it the feeling of peace with everyone we are around?  Is it sucking it up and spending time with family, even if it isn't who you want to be with?

Don't get me wrong...I am very happy with my family and friends.  I love this time of year.

But why do we have to put pressure on people who don't have the best of relationships with their family?  Why do we insist that it is a wonderful time of the year if there are people who are always reminded of loss at this time?  What about those who are away from their love because of circumstances?  I'm not talking about just the distance between two people in miles, I'm talking about the distance emotionally between two people who are sharing the same house, the same couch, or even the same bed.

Doesn't it seem cruel to insist on happiness at this time of year?  Some people can barely make it to compatible.  Others have no relationships they can even pretend to be happy about.  And if you can muster enough emotion at all, sometimes it is just enough to get through the day without wishing harm to someone who is standing next to you.

Then you have all the financial restraints of the "Holiday Season" to deal with.  The pressure to get something for everyone.  The requirement of gifting all the people who are a part of your life.  What happened to the times when the gift of time was the most important?  When giving someone your time was the most precious gift you could offer?  When showing kindness to a stranger was all that was ever expected?  When something you created with your hands and your heart were the greatest gifts anyone could receive?

Now it's bobbles and whatsits and trinkets to fill up the empty space that is within each of us.

I say we need to take back the season that is supposed to be wonderful.  Give graciously of yourself.  Make something, anything, and give it away.  Bake cookies with your kids and take them to your neighbors or to work with you for everyone to share.  Knit or crochet a scarf, or ten, and take them to a senior center or assisted living facility or even a shelter.  Make up coupons good for one hour of undivided attention and give them to your kids, then follow through and take that hour to devote solely to whatever they want to do, even if it is simply watching them play a silly video game and cheering them on.

Whatever you decide to do, do it wholeheartedly.  Don't skimp on these gifts, but make them count.  Who knows?  This may just become the most wonderful time of your year!!!

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