Saturday, September 22, 2012

Simple Treasures

I spent time going through my writing notebook this morning. It's a three ring binder with lined paper. I like to write with pen and paper more than by typing on the computer. Anyway, I found a nice little gem I'd like to share:

"Writing is creating something out of nothing, sort of God-like. One of the beauties of writing is that words become your servants. They are at your command to communicate information, convey feelings, entertain, and cause people to think and perhaps act on what you have written. There is power--and, thus, responsibility--in how you use them. Use them wisely and they will serve you well."  Sue Miholer

I love that such simple things, words, can be used so wonderfully. The problem I find is I am scared  someone will use what I write in a way that is not how it was intended, and that I will be blamed for the chaos that comes from it. I need to remind myself that even God's words are used in a way He did not intend. People will use any means to further their own ambitions. All I can do us use these words in a way that is beneficial. If someone else chooses to maliciously warp them to mean what they want, I cannot stop them. If the God of everything cannot stop man from warping His words, how am I supposed to?

I do not in any way compare my writing to that which is God breathed. I just take solace in the fact that if He cannot stop man from misusing His good intentions, why should I expect to be able to. Not that it has happened, I just hate the idea of the possibility.

I guess it is time to get to work, using letters to form words, words to form sentences, and sentences to form a story. It's time to put my "god" hat on and create a world.

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